Group: 100 - General Administration » AP 163 - Lockdowns

AP 163 - Lockdowns


Horizon School Division believes that lockdowns are a practical aspect of operations to ensure the safety of staff and students in the event that it is ever necessary. There is also a need to practice such, in a drill format similar to Fire Drills.


1.  The principal will develop a detailed lockdown plan in accordance with Horizon School Division's School Safety Plan appropriate for his/her school in advance of school opening each year.

2.  The principal shall collaborate with RCMP and other emergency services personnel, to seek their input and to prepare them for what to expect when the school is in lockdown.

3.  Ensure that all staff members are fully informed of their respective duties under the approved plan for lockdown.

4.  Inform parents annually of what is expected of them during a lockdown. (Refer to Section 4 – Communication Plans in School Safety Plan).

5.  Each drill should be a practice for children, staff and other persons to lockdown the school.

6.  Schools should practice lockdown drills that include scenarios such as a lockdown at noon hour and/or recess, or an assembly.

7.  Each school will hold at least three lockdown drills during each school year:
7.1.  The first announced lockdown will be held during the initial two weeks of school operation; and
7.2.  Two additional announced lockdowns will be held at times over the balance of the school year as determined by the principal. The plan must include one drill per semester.
The completion of lockdown drills are to be reported through the Horizon Safe and Caring Reporting App after each drill is completed.

Reference:  School Safety Plan
January 26, 2016
Revised  March 13, 2017
September 26, 2017