Administrative Procedures » Administrative Procedures & Forms

Administrative Procedures & Forms

Horizon School Division's Administrative Procedures (APs) are in place to ensure consistent service and procedures across our system. Expand the groups below to review our APs for each area.
Procedure Title Forms (found on AP page)
AP 104 Learning Improvement Plan and Alignment with Horizon Strategic Plan  
AP 106 Progress and Outcomes Reporting  
AP 110 School Community Councils  
AP 111 Operation of School Community Council  
AP 112 School Community Council Accounts  
AP 120 Review and Dissemination of Policy and Procedures  
AP 129 Emergency School Closure  
AP 130 School Year and School Day  
AP 132 Help Desk Procedure  
AP 133 Technology Inventory Procedure  
AP 134 Division Assigned Technology Equipment  
AP 135 Abuse and Vandalism of Technology Assets  
AP 136 Disposal of Division Technology Assets  
AP 137 Donation of Technology Hardware and Software  
AP 138 Request for Main Lab Computers - Maximum Number of Lab Units  
AP 139 Security of Computers, Memory Keys and Portable Storage Devices  
AP 140 Acceptable Use of Technology  
AP 141 Technology Hardware Purchases  
AP 142 Technology Software Purchases  
AP 143 Stolen or Missing Technology and Equipment  
AP 144 Microsoft Office Home Use  
AP 145 CFS (Computers For Schools) Technology Equipment  
AP 146
Social Media and Posting  
AP 147 Social Media and Web-Based Services AF 147 - Social Media Permission Form
AP 148 Automated Communications  
AP 150 Media Relations  
AP 152 Concerns and Issues  
AP 153 Visitors to Schools  
AP 154 Flag Protocol  
AP 155 Event Protocol  
AP 156 Shelter in Place  
AP 159 Tobacco and the use of Electronic Smoking Products  
AP 160 Occupational Health and Safety Committee AF 160 - Occupational Health and Safety Form
AP 161 Automated External Defibrillator
AP 162 Fire Drills  
AP 163 Lockdowns  
AP 164 Handling Body Fluids  
AP 165 Anaphylaxis and Food/Substance Sensitivities Anaphylactic Shock Map
AP 166 Control of Communicable and Contagious Diseases  
AP 166.1 Illness in Care - COVID-19  
AP 167 Nutritious and Healthy Foods  
AP 168 Hold and Secure  
AP 169
AP 180 Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Privacy and Access in Saskatchewan Schools
AP 180.1 Breaches of Privacy  
AP 181 Parent/Guardian Permission for use of Student Work and Personal Information  
AP 182 Video Surveillance  
AP 183 Live-Streaming and Recording of Classes  
AP 185 Records Retention and Disposal  
AP 190 Copyright  
AP 191 Wall of Fame Wall of Fame Nomination Form
Procedure Title Forms (found on AP page)
AP 201 Curriculum  
AP 202 Student Subject Loads  
AP 204 Controversial Issues  
AP 210 Development and Renewal of Locally Developed and Modified Courses AF 210 Intent to Proceed - Form D
AP 211 Disputes Relative to Identifying, Designating or Programming of a Student with Intensive Needs  
AP 212 Access to Professional Support Services  
AP 215 Assistive Technology for Students  
AP 216 Moving Assistive Technology with Students with Intensive Needs AF 216 Assistive Technology Transfer Form
AP 217 Special Project Credits AF 217 Special Project Credit
AP 218 Apprenticeship Credit AF 218 Apprenticeship Credit Application Form
AP 219 Career and Work Exploration Credit AF 219 (multiple)
AP 220 Summer School  
AP 221 Private Music Lessons in School  
AP 222 Band Operation  
AP 223 Dual Credit  
AP 224 Credit Recovery AF 224 - Request for Credit Recovery
AP 230 Distance Education AF 230 - Career Exploration Consent Form.pdf
AP 230.1
Saskatchewan Distance Learning Corporation (SDLC)  
AP 235 Driver Education  
AP 240 Student Counselling  
AP 241 Career Couseling  
AP 251 Resource Selection, Adoption and Challenge  
AP 252 Resource Centre Weeding  
AP 260 Educational Trips AF 260 (multiple)
AP 261 High Risk Activities AF 261 (multiple)
AP 262 Extracurricular Activities AF 262 (multiple)
AP 263 Funding Extracurricular Activities and Special Events  
AP 264 Coaching Guidelines in Extracurricular Activities  
AP 265 Selection of Learning (Instructional) Models  
AP 270 Home-Based Education AF 270 Home-Based Education Plan
AP 281 Standardized Assessment  
AP 290 Participation in Education Research AF 290 Participation in Educational Research Form
Procedure   Forms (found on AP page)
AP 300 Student Registration AF 300 - Student Registration Form & PreK Application
AP 301 Foreign Students
AF 301.1 - Foreign Student Exchange Application Form
AF 301.2 - Foreign Student Access Report Form 
AP 302 Opening Day Enrolment  
AP 303 Out-of-Division Releases AF 303 - Out of Division Releases
AP 304 PreKindergarten (PreK)  
AP 305 School Attendance Areas  
AP 306 Tuition Fees  
AP 307 Student Dismissal for Transportation Purposes  
AP 308 Early Entrance Admission  
AP 309 Admission of Students Who Are Not Born in Canada  
AP 310 Faith-Based Education at Englefeld School AF 310 - Non-Christian Student Declaration of Intent
AP 312 Administering Prescribed Medications AF 312 - Prescribed Medication Form
AP 313 Service Dogs in Schools AF 313 - Service Dogs in Schools
AP 315 Seclusion and Restraint  
AP 319 Notice of Exclusion  
AP 320 Tracking Student Demographic Information  
AP 321 Cumulative Records AF 321 - Cumulative Record Transfer Form
AP 322 Custody and Access Issues  
AP 323 Young Offender Information Sharing  
AP 325 Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect  
AP 340 Attendance of Students  
AP 345
Use of Personal Electronic Devices in Schools
AF 345.1 - Use of Personal Electonic Devices in Schools
AP 345 - Appendix A - Sample Code of Conduct
AP 348
Authority For Use of Preferred Name or Pronoun(s) AF 348 - Authority For Use of Preferred Name or Pronoun(s)
AP 349 Gay-Straight Alliance  
AP 350 Student Discipline AF 350 - Student Discipline template and examples (multiple)
AP 351 Operation of Student Vehicles  
AP 352 Student Questioning and Search  
AP 353 Student at Risk AF 353 - Student at Risk Form (Laggard)
AP 354 Violence Threat Risk Assessment
AF 354.1 - Violence Threat Risk Assessment Protocol 
AF 354.2 - VTRA Response Flowchart
AP 355 Gang Related Activities  
AP 356 Drug Incident  
AP 357 Acts of Vandalism  
AP 358 Harassment, Bullying, and Cyberbullying  
AP 359 Locker Use Agreement  
AP 360 Student Evaluation  
AP 361 Grade Placement AF361 Grade Placement forms (multiple) See AP361
AP 363 Parent, Teacher and Student Conference  
AP 365 Course Challenge  
AP 375 Graduation  
AP 395 Student Recognition Award AF 395 Student Recognition Award Application Form
AP 397 RCMP in Schools  
Procedure Title Forms (found on AP page)
AP 400 Staff Recruitment and Selection Vacancies & Applications
AP 401 School Staffing  
AP 402 Applications for Employment Vacancies and Applications
AP 403 Substitute & Casual Employment Vacancies and Applications
AP 404 Criminal Record Checks for Employees AF 404 - Affidavit Respecting Criminal Record
AP 406 Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Leaves  
AP 407 Employee Records  
AP 408 Lone Worker  
AP 409 Workplace Harassment Workplace Harassment Complaint Form
AP 410 Workplace Violence Workplace Violent Incident Report Form
AP 411 Confidentiality  
AP 412 Drugs and Alcohol - Employees  
AP 413 Medical Documentation  
AP 414 Online Learning / Learning from Home  
AP 415 Years of Service  
AP 416 Retirement Gift  
AP 417 Teachers' Professional Development  
AP 420 Teacher Accreditation and Renewal  
AP 422 Teacher Retirement Notification Incentives  
AP 423 Position Redundancy  
AP 424 Transfer of Professional Staff Vacancies & Applications
AP 425 Tutor for Pay  
AP 426 Release Time for Horizon Teachers' Association President  
AP 430 Teacher Growth, Supervision and Evaluation AF 430 - Professional Growth Forms (multiple)
AP 432 Acting Principal  
AP 434 In-School Leader Growth Supervision and Evaluation AF 434 (Multiple)
AP 435 Transferring, Lifting and Repositioning  
AP 440 Inclement Weather Travel  
AP 441 Personal Professional Days  
AP 442 Noon Period Supervision AF 442 - Noon Period Supervision Form
AP 443 Additional Days or Hours Worked  
AP 444 Time Cards - Support Staff AF 444 - Time Cards
AP 446 Time Cards - Bus Drivers  
AP 447 Time Cards - Caretakers  
AP 450 Organizational Structure Organizational Chart (click here)
AP 451 Role Descriptions  
AP 455 Early Service Excellence in Teaching Award AF 455 - Nomination Form
AP 456 Excellence in Teaching Award Criteria AF 456 - Nomination Form
AP 461 Internships and Other Practicums  
AP 468 Leave for National and International Competition  
AP 470 SLT Role Expectations and Appraisal Process  
AP 471 Role of the Superintendent of Human Resources  
AP 472 Role of the Superintendent of Learning  
AP 473 Role of the Superintendent of Indigenous Education  
AP 474 Role of the Superintendent of Inclusive Education  
AP 475 Role of the Superintendent of Student Wellness  
AP 476 Role of the Superintendent of Finance Services/CFO  
AP 476.1 Role of the Manager of Payroll Services  
AP 476.2 Role of the Manager of Accounting Services  
AP 477 Role of the Superintendent of Operational Services/COO  
AP 477.1 Role of the Manager of Facility Services  
AP 477.2 Role of the Manager of Transportation Services  
AP 477.3 Role of the Coordinator of Information Services  
AP 478 Role of the Communications Officer  
AP 479 Role of the Executive Assistant  
AP 480 Role of the Principal  
AP 481 Role of the Vice-Principal  
AP 482 Role of the Teacher (Certificated Staff)  
AP 495 Criminal Record Checks for Volunteers AF 495 - Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Check Letter
AP 496 Non-Faculty Coach Applications AF 496 (multiple)
AP 497 Concussion Procedure - Interschool Athletics  
Procedure Title Forms (found on AP page)
AP 500 Budget  
AP 501 School Based Budgets and School Generated Funds  
AP 502
Accumulated Surplus from Operations  
AP 505 School Fees  
AP 510 Accounts Management  
AP 511 Administration of School Generated Funds AF 511 (multiple)
AP 512 Petty Cash Account  
AP 513 Theft - School-Generated Funds  
AP 514 Out of Pocket Expenses Out of Pocket Expense Claim Form
AP 515 Decentralized Purchasing AF 515 - Purchase Order Form
AP 516 GST Rebate AF 516 - GST Rebate Form
AP 517 Disposal of Non-Required Materials and Equipment  
AP 518 Tangible Capital Assets  
AP 519 Expense Claim AF 519 (Multiple)
AP 520 Fundraising  
AP 521 Teacher and Early Childhood Educator School Supply Tax Credit  
AP 525 Charitable Donations  
AP 526 Scholarships  
AP 527 Requests for Financial Sponsorship  
AP 530 Insurance and Liability AF 530 Parental Consent for Student Transportation Form
AP 531 Accident Insurance Accident Intake Form
AP 540 Facilities Planning FAME Asset Planner
AP 541 Facilities Work Request FAME Asset Planner
AP 542 Facilities Department Purchase Order Procedure AF 542 Facilities Purchase Order Form
AP 544 Upright Lift Usage and Rental  
AP 550 School Bus Scheduling and Safety  
AP 551 Operation of School Buses Under Adverse Weather AF 551 Principal's Bus Report Form
AP 552 Bus Driver Responsibilities  
AP 553 Bus Route Concerns  
AP 554 Parent and Student Responsibilities Regarding Busing  
AP 555 School Trips Requiring Transportation Services  
AP 556 Bus Monitoring  
AP 557 Bus Evacuations (Drill)  
AP 558 Bus Registration  
AP 559 Bus Roster AF 559 Bus Roster Form
AP 560 Student Services Transportation Requests  
AP 561 Driver Authorization for Transportation AF 561 Driver Authorization for Transportation Form
AP 562 Purchase and Use of Vans for Transportation of Students  
AP 563 Non-School Age Passengers AF 563 Non-School Age Passengers Consent Form for Bus Drivers
AP 564 Bus Behaviour  
AP 565 Travel in Personal Vehicles  
AP 566
Reimbursement for Transportation AF 566 Reimbursement for Transportation
AP 567
Alternate, Consenting, or Temporary Alternate Stops  
AP 570 Division-Owned Vehicles AF 570 (Multiple)
AP 571 Carpooling  
AP 572 Support Staff In-Town Travel Allowance AF 572 - Expense Claim In-Town Travel Allowance