Group: 100 - General Administration » AP 141 - Technology Hardware Purchases

AP 141 - Technology Hardware Purchases


The Approved Hardware List contains technology hardware that is approved for purchasing.
All technology hardware purchases shall be made in accordance with the Division’s Approved hardware list. This list will be continuously updated by the IT Administrator as new equipment is approved for purchase.


1.  Desktop, Laptop, and Mobile Tablet Devices

1.1     All such purchases must be made through the IT Administrator . There are no exceptions to this. The IT Administrator will work with all individuals and schools to ensure that the products in question are purchased following the procedure.

1.2     Purchases made from decentralized budgets should follow this order:
  • If the school is completing the purchase order before submission to the IT Administrator for ordering purposes, accurate pricing and part and item numbers should be received ahead of time by the Technology Coordinator.
  • For single line or multiple line purchases of $1000 or less, the school (site) shall provide the IT Administrator with a numbered PO in Excel format. Once received, the IT Administrator will place the order on behalf of the school.
  • For single line purchases and/or multiple line purchases exceeding $1000, including multiples of the same item on a single line, the completed and numbered PO must be sent to the area Superintendent and the Superintendent of Finance for approval. Once the IT Administrator receives written approval, the order will be placed on behalf of the school. The IT Administrator will advise of the order status and the location to where the item will be shipped.
  • All questions and queries surrounding the P.O process should be directed to the Division’s Finance department.
2.  Printers, Scanners, etc.

2.1     Items such as printers, scanners and peripherals may be purchased through the school’s vendor of choice, as long as the make/model are on the Division’s approved hardware list.

2.2     Purchases, such as interactive whiteboards (SMART or Promethean Boards), may also be made by the school direct to the vendor, but the school should consult with the IT Administrator before purchasing to ensure that there are no other factors that might conflict with the purchase.

3.  Items Not on The List  

Requests for purchases not on the approved list need to be considered and tested for compatibility before approval will be given. All such item requests must be made to the IT Administrator. The requestor may need to create and provide a business case for the item to the Technology Committee.

Reference:      Sections 85, 87, 108, 109, Education Act

April 3, 2011