Group: 100 - General Administration » AP 137 - Donation of Technology Hardware and Software

AP 137 - Donation of Technology Hardware and Software


Horizon School Division recognizes that there are 3rd parties outside of the division that donate computer and technology hardware (new and used) and software to help with the education of students.

Any and all donations of technology equipment or software must follow the steps in this procedure.

  • All hardware and software donations of any kind must be approved by the division’s IT Administrator to ensure consistency. In the case of hardware donations, minimum specifications must be met or the request may be declined. In the case of software, any potential ongoing license requirements and system compatibility checks must be met or the request may be denied.
  • If the introduction of approved donated computer hardware incurs extra costs, these will be borne of school decentralized budgets. Some of these costs may include but are not limited to additional electrical requirements, additional network wiring requirements, or the purchase of furniture to safely hold the equipment in place.
  • If the introduction of approved donated software incurs extra costs, these will be borne of school decentralized budgets. These costs may include but are not limited to annual support and maintenance contracts for said software. It is the responsibility of the school requesting to have donated software installed to include this information in the request for approval.
  • Any and all ongoing renewals of licenses for software donated will be the school’s responsibility.
  • Once approved, the division’s technology department will work to install the equipment / software based on technician’s current workload and scheduling.
  • Software donations will be installed under the advisement of the Technology and Learning Technology departments. 
  • The IT Administrator will advise the Superintendent of Finance of the valuation of the donated equipment/software and whether a charitable receipt is requested by the donor.

Reference: Horizon School Division #205 Learning Technology Plan
May 9, 2013