Group: 100 - General Administration » AP 142 - Technology Software Purchases

AP 142 - Technology Software Purchases


The Approved Software List contains all approved software for purchase and use within the Division.
All software purchased within the Division must be properly licensed for usage and the license information collected and compiled for compliance and potential auditing purposes.


1.  All technology software requests shall be made with reference to the Division’s approved software list. This list will be continuously updated by the the IT Administrator as new software is approved for purchase or installation.

2.  Any requests for software that is not currently on the approved software list should follow these steps:
2.1.  The Superintendents of Curriculum and Instruction should be notified of your request for software;
2.2.  If available, the Learning Technology department will make alternate free title suggestions, or suggest alternate products that may already be licensed for use within the Division;
2.3.  If no acceptable alternates or substitutes can be found using Division resources, the request will go to the Learning Technology department for initial review of educational merit;

2.4.  If there is educational merit, the software must be tested and piloted before purchase. The testing is for compatibility with existing software loads on Division owned computers; and
2.5.  In the case of a donation of software from a company to a school, the requestor must contact the Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction to ensure the proper steps are taken for educational merit, compatibility, installation, and license compliance.
3.  Software purchases made from decentralized budgets shall follow these steps:
3.1.  If the school is completing the purchase order before submission to the IT Administrator for ordering purposes, accurate pricing/SKU numbers should be received ahead of time from the IT Administrator;
3.2.  For single line or multiple line purchases of $1000 or less, the school (site) shall provide the Technology Coordinator with a numbered Purchase Order (P.O.) in Excel format. Once received, the Technology Coordinator will place the order on behalf of the school;

3.3.  For single line purchases and/or multiple line purchases exceeding $1000, including multiples of the same items on a single line, the completed and numbered P.O. must be sent to the area Superintendent and the Superintendent of Finance for approval. Once the IT Administrator receives written approval, the order will be placed on behalf of the school. The IT Administrator will advise the principal of the order status and the location to where the item will be shipped; and
3.4.  All purchase details including paper/email communications surrounding the purchase and license information must be submitted to Central Office in Lanigan. Originals are preferred, but copies are permitted. These purchase and license details are kept by the IT Administrator and are used for software auditing purposes. A copy should also be retained by the school.
4.  All questions and queries surrounding the P.O. process must be directed to the Division’s Finance department.

Reference:      Sections 85, 87, 108, 109, Education Act

April 6, 2011