Group: 100 - General Administration » AP 162 - Fire Drills

AP 162 - Fire Drills


Horizon School Division believes that fire drills/evacuations are not only a legal responsibility but also a practical aspect of operations to ensure the safety of staff and children.


1.  In advance of school opening each year, the principal will develop a detailed fire drill plan in consultation with local Fire Departments. Fire drill plans should provide the following:
1.1.  The orderly and prompt evacuation of all persons from the building;
1.2.  The evacuated persons are to proceed to the designated muster point;
1.3.  Monitors to hold open exit doors;
1.4.  Designated staff members are to check all areas and report the evacuation complete;
1.5.  Designated staff member to be responsible for notifying the local fire department by telephone;
1.6.  Designated staff members stationed as necessary at the foot of stairways and fire escapes to prevent accidents;
1.7.  Teachers in charge of classes are to check to ensure that all students are accounted for; a class list is to be used for this purpose;
1.8.  Ensure that all staff members are fully informed of their respective duties under the approved plan for fire drill;
1.9.  Plans are to be posted conspicuously in the office, in each staff room, in the caretaker's room, and in each wing of each floor at, or near a fire alarm station; and
1.10.  Outline detailed instructions for the direction of students in a fire drill shall be posted in classrooms and used for instruction.
2.  Schools should practice fire drills that include scenarios such as a blocked entrance, alarms at noon hour and/or recess, or an assembly.

3.  Each drill should be a practice for children, staff and other persons to evacuate the school building in an orderly fashion in the event of an emergency.

4.  The principal has the responsibility to periodically inspect his/her school for possible fire hazards and if possible, to correct them at once, or to report these immediately to the Superintendent of Operational Services.

5.  Each school will hold at least six fire drills during each school year:
  • Two announced fire drills will be held during the initial two weeks of school operation
  • Four additional drills that are not announced will be held at times over the balance of the school year as determined by the principal
  • the plan must include at least one unannounced drill per semester
The completion of fire drills are to be reported through the Horizon Safe and Caring Reporting App after each drill is completed.

Reference:  Section 2.8 of the National Fire Code

March 7, 2011
Revised  January 25, 2016
March 13, 2017
September 26, 2017