Group: 400 - Personnel & Employees » AP 443 - Additional Days or Hours Worked

AP 443 - Additional Days or Hours Worked


For all support staff and teaching staff any additional days or hours worked must be approved by the Area Superintendent of Schools, the Superintendent of Learning, or by one of the Coordinators of Students Services before it will be paid.


1.  The approval of a Superintendent or Coordinator must be forwarded to the Supervisor of Payroll in the Humboldt Service Center by e-mail.

2.  This additional time must be reported to payroll by the school and must also be recorded on the support staff time cards. The payment of additional days or hours worked will be paid to the employee in the month following when the additional time was worked.

Reference:  Sections 85, 87, 108, 109, Education Act

March 21, 2011