AP 265 - Selection of Learning (Instructional) Models
The Division believes that its teachers, as professionals, employ powerful, research-proven learning and assessment models that will ensure positive outcomes for students. The best results for students will come when teachers participate in a shared practice that includes a common repertoire of learning and assessment models determined through a collaborative dialogue involving teachers, principals, superintendents, coordinators, consultants, and the research community.
The Division has high expectations for the professionalism of its teachers. Student learning will best be improved through the work of teachers, not through teacher-proof programs.
The Division believes that its teachers must continue to build their teaching repertoires over the course of their careers so that they are best able to address the learning outcomes of the provincial curriculum and meet the common and individual learning needs and interests of their students. Teachers must be able to explain their teaching practice and why they have selected particular approaches for their students’ learning.
1. Committees of Division professional staff will engage in on-going dialogue and decision-making regarding the learning and assessment models that will be used by teachers in Horizon schools. Such committees may be formed at K-Grade 2, Grades 3-5, Middle Years, High School, or any other configuration that will be useful. Other committees that are subject-specific may also be formed.
2. The process of determining the selection of learning and assessment models for Horizon classes will follow the process outlined below:
2.1. The committee will identify potential learning and assessment models from the available research and literature. It will also consider learning and assessment models that specifically address the learning needs of the Division’s students as determined on provincial and Division assessments;
2.2. The committee will identify criteria that will assist it in discriminating among the learning and assessment models identified in a. above. Such criteria may include:
2.2.1. The learning power for achieving curricular outcomes as determined by research,
2.2.2. The degree to which the learning model will authentically engage students as determined by research;
2.2.3. The degree to which the model will address student learning goals within the Division’s Strategic Plan,
2.2.4. The usefulness of such a model for both boys and girls,
2.2.5. The cultural appropriateness of such a model for the various cultural groups who live within the Division, and
2.2.6. The cost of professional development needed for teachers to learn and implement such a model;
2.3. The committee will scrutinize each potential learning and assessment model against each of the determined criteria; and
2.4. The committee will determine its selection based upon the outcome of c. above.
3. Once a learning model has been selected, the Superintendent of Learning will work with the committee to determine an implementation strategy including the professional development of teachers so that they may master and fully implement the new learning or assessment model. The budgetary aspects of such implementation plans will be forwarded to the Division’s strategic planning and budget processes.
4. The implementation of the new learning or assessment model will be monitored over the timeline of the implementation strategy. Measures of student learning success will help to determine if adjustments in the implementation plan are required.
Reference: Sections 85, 87, 108, 109, 175, Education Act
Section 37, Education Act Regulations
February 8, 2011