Group: 200 - Instructional Programs & Materials » AP 230 - Distance Education

AP 230 - Distance Education

To ensure the availability of quality education programs for all Horizon students regardless of where they live or the size of their school, the Division supports the provision of course offerings beyond what students can access in their own school.
Horizon distance education courses are listed on the Horizon School Division website. Teachers for distance education classes will be arranged by the Principal of Horizon's Distance Learning Centre in conjunction with the school principal and division office personnel. Distance Education teachers will be physically assigned to a school in Horizon.

  1. Courses are offered on a first come, first served basis. Registration does not guarantee enrolment. Once the approval process is complete, the student will be enrolled in the Horizon Distance Learning Centre (HDLC).
  2. Only under exceptional circumstances will a Horizon student take a distance education course that is offered in the student's home school. Approval by the school principal and Principal of Distance Education will be necessary for an exception.
  3. The school principal is responsible for ensuring there are supports in place at the school for students enrolled in distance learning courses.
  4. Horizon students shall take precedence in distance education classes. Non-Horizon students may register at a cost of $500 per class. International students' cost is $1000 per class. Registration for non-Horizon students will be secured once payment is received.
  5. Horizon students who wish to register in non-Horizon distance education courses will assume the cost of the course unless approved by the Principal of HDLC. The primary consideration will be if this is a compulsory class necessary to graduate or a post-secondary prerequisite.
  6. If approved, the course must be paid in full prior to the student being registered.
  7. If the course is compulsory the registration fee will be refunded upon submission of proof of successful completion.

Distance Education Registration Procedure:
  1. The student shall complete the online registration form. The principal will either approve or deny the registration. Once approved the registration will be forwarded to the Principal of HDLC, the teacher, and Horizon's Learning Department.

Withdrawal Procedure:
  1. The student must complete the withdrawal form. This form may be initiated by the student, HDLC Principal or the school principal.
Class size limits:
  1. Class size will be set at 25 students per 0.1 FTE. Should a Distance Education teacher have two classes, the maximum number of students would be 50. This may include full year or semester classes.
  2. Should the teacher be involved in the initial development of the course while teaching that course, allowances may be made with the HDLC Principal.

Reference: Sections 85, 87, 108, 109, 176, Education Act
October 21, 2013
Revised November 23, 2022

For more information about Distance Education please click here.