Group: 500 - Business Administration » AP 563 - Non-School Age Passengers

AP 563 - Non-School Age Passengers


Requests from current and potential bus drivers have been received to have riders that are not registered in a school to ride on a route due to lack of childcare.

Under approval guidelines, and in an attempt to recruit and retain bus drivers, opportunities will be given to existing and potential bus drivers who are unable to find child care services to pursue their careers as bus drivers.

When a request of this nature is received by Horizon School Division the process that should be followed is as below:


1.  The written request should be submitted to the Superintendent of Operations, for the consideration of the bus driver to take his or her child along with them on the route.  For each request the bus driver must complete and submit an AF 563 - Non-School Age Passengers Consent Form For Bus Drivers in which they also agree to the "Assumption of Responsibility" in this request.
2.  The Superintendent of Operations will consider requests if they are for children that are older than 18 months of age.

3.  Each request will be considered on a case by case basis.

4.  The privilege of allowing the parent/bus driver to take their non-school age child on the bus can be revoked at any time, should there be any evidence that would indicate that this practice is creating a distraction to the driver or any disturbance, or an unsafe environment to the driver or passengers.

5.  Any costs involved in the purchase and installation of the said seat shall be at the Bus Driver's expense.  Appropriate child seats shall be installed by the bus owner/Fleet Supervisor prior to the non-school age child riding as regulated by SGI or other governing body recommendations or requirements.  It will be at all times the Bus Driver's responsibility to ensure the child is properly restrained in the appropriate seat.  

6.  The Superintendent of Operations will make the final decision on the request and relay that decision in writing to the Bus Driver making the request.  Copies of this final correspondence will be sent to the following:

For Employee Routes:
  • Human Resource Department
  • School Principal(s)
For Contractor Routes:
  • Owner of Contracted Bus
  • School Principal(s)

Reference:  Highway Traffic Act

March 8, 2012