Graduation & Career Coaching » Universities and Colleges

Universities and Colleges

University of Saskatchewan - (Application Page) - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

University of Regina - Regina, Saskatchewan          

Federated Colleges:

St. Thomas More College is federated with the University of Saskatchewan.

Affiliated Colleges:

Technical and Regional Colleges:

Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology

           SIAST - Campus Locations - Palliser -Moose Jaw      Woodland - Prince Albert     Wascana- Regina    Kelsey- Saskatoon 

           Print - General Application

           Online SIAST Application

     Regional Colleges:
          Lakeland College   
         Carlton Trail


         North West College


Apprenticeship and Other:

Saskatchewan Youth Apprentices (SYA)

Apprenticeship is a system of training and certification in a trade. It involves a formal agreement between an individual who wants to learn a skill and an employer who needs a skilled worker.

Do you have what it takes to own and operate your own business?   Need to know where to look for help? This section will help you start your business and find a successful rewarding career as an entrepreneur.

Law Enforcement:

When you join the Canadian Forces, the job you choose will likely determine whether you become a part of the Navy, Army or Air Force. For example, you can only be Naval Weapons Technician in the Navy, or a Materials Technicianin the Army. However, if you want to become a Bioscience Officer or a Medical Radiation Technologist, you can belong to the Navy, Army or Air Force.No matter what uniform you wear, you will become part of an amazing team of people dedicated to defending Canada, protecting our interests and contributing to international peace efforts.

The Saskatoon Police Service is aggressively recruiting new members who will reflect the rich diversity of our community. Twice a year, Swearing-In ceremonies are held to welcome in the men and women who have chosen an exciting career in law enforcement and will wear the badge of the Saskatoon Police Service with pride.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is the Canadian nationalpolice service and an agency of the Ministry of Public SafetyCanada.The RCMP is unique in the world since it is a national, federal, provincial and municipal policing body. We provide a total federal policing service to all Canadians and policing services under contract to the three territories, eight provinces (except Ontario and Quebec), more than 190 municipalities, 184 Aboriginal communities and three international airports.

Regina Police Services: 

Police Recruitment and the step by step process to apply to the Regina City Police.

The Saskatchewan Police College is Saskatchewan's official institute for the provision and coordination of training and continuing education for public officers in policing, community safety and enforcement.  Located at the University of Regina, the Saskatchewan Police College was established under  the authority of the Saskatchewan Police Commission by virtue of the Saskatchewan Police Act,1990. The College provides both training to new recruits from municipal services as well as courses to personnel of accredited Police services within the Province of Saskatchewan. Candidates from other agencies may attend courses with the approval of the Director of the Police Commission and the Director of the Saskatchewan Police College.